Dementia Friendly Schools ▷ A Primer To Anti-stigma Campaigns

Interesting evaluation of talking about dementia in schools

Karim's 3D

Pioneer Schools Intergenerational Project resource suite, evaluation and website launched.

A successful dementia friendly community will nurture a well informed critical mass of compassionate folk. The impact of this can ameliorate the plight of people with dementia and their carers in public services and in society as a whole. Unlike traditional ‘awareness’ campaigns, we could be on the cusp of establishing a generation largely intolerant of stigma!

I had previously described the prelude to the Pioneer Schools Dementia Intergenerational project and sited early examples of high fliers. ‘Intergenerational Exchange’ successfully developed over some 4 decades in the USA, Europe and Japan. Combined with the West Midlands regional online resources, both concepts converge to underpin this groundbreaking national venture.  With many schools fervent to evaluate their dementia curricula, we knew there would be diverse experiences, bespoke inputs and varied outputs. So we designed an evaluation to anchor and capture…

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