At your wit’s end? Let me help.

I am a writer and have been tutoring creative writing since 2004. Whether you are a complete beginner, in the middle of a novel or wanting to know what to do after you have completed your work in progress, I can help with advice, inspiration, individually designed exercises or just a listening ear.

Contact me on LinkedIn at Alison Janet MacLean Summers or leave a message on this blog.

#Creative writing #writing #coaching #inspiration # writer #editing #proofreading

Hello, it’s been a while…

2022 and what have I done?

Between 2020 and the present I have learned the basics of acoustic guitar, song writing and keyboard playing. And forgotten them all. I have read countless thrillers in an effort to understand their principles and apply same to the thriller I am writing.
I have become a grandmother to a wee poppet and climbed Glastonbury Tor. I have welcomed a Canadian, a Norwegian and a German to my home as lodgers. I found the love of my life and had my heart broken.


VE Day letter from the Netherlands

Belledelettres's Blog

R.N. Party 1132
c/o GPO, Reading

Monday, 7/5/45

Dear love,
Please note my new address; it’s likely to stay like that for a couple of months.
Bonny weather we’re having today: fresh, and yet hot that I’ll be shedding my pullover in an hour or so. It feels like summer coming, and though we’ll probably still have plenty of patches of rain, I don’t think we’ll have any more cold. (I don’t write about the weather to fill up space; the weather interests us very much, because our work is all in the open. Besides, I like to think of you and Bumph sitting in the sun.)
I wonder if there have been many rejoicings, (I mean public rejoicings) at home over the victory here, of if they’re saving them up for VE day (Why VE?). I was out in the town last night, and it was full of (brave)…

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